Eesen Sivapalan
A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work
— Colin Powell

 Mi Terro

The Cork Duffel Suitcase

  1. The duffel suitcase is made primarily from cork and the straps are made from recyclable plastic.

  2. In February 2019, we launched our first Kickstarter campaign and we hit our funding goal of $3,000 in under 48 hours.

  3. We went on to raise around $14,000 in 40 days. Below, you’ll find a video we made for the Kickstarter campaign.

The Milk Shirt

  1. The shirt is made from a mixture of micro-modal and milk fabric. We use the casein protein in wasted milk to create the fabric.

  2. In August 2019, we launched our second Kickstarter campaign and we hit our funding goal of $3,000 in under 2 hours.

  3. We went on to raise around $28,000 in 40 days. Below, you’ll find a video we made for the Kickstarter campaign.


I love mentoring others. I was a peer tutor in middle and high school and took on the role of Peer Tutoring Supervisor at USC, where I helped run the Marshall School of Business’s tutoring program. I didn’t want to stop mentoring after graduating from USC, so I actively support college students by assisting them with things from resume review to interview preparation and career advice, for free. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you’d like some help!



From Studio Ghibli to Disney to Classical, I’ve always enjoyed listening to piano music. Piano music got me through long hours of studying while in college and now I listen to it while working or sometimes, even while I relax. I am always amazed by Youtube pianists and I told myself that I’d start learning the piano after I graduated from college.

In October 2019, I started going for piano lessons and I’ve been using the Faber Piano Adventure series. I stopped going for lessons after I finished Book 1 in December. I figured I could probably teach myself for a while and I do plan on going back for lessons later on. I finished Book 1 in March 2020 and I’m currently working through Book 3a.

Some goals I have are to play pieces from Studio Ghibli and Disney. My long-term goal is to play Fantaisie Impromptu.


I wasn’t ever super athletic but, as someone who loves pushing his limits, I wanted to run a marathon. I ran my first marathon, the LA Marathon, in March 2019. I only trained for 3 months, which was not enough time, but I managed to cross the finish line.

When I hit mile 20 of the marathon, I remember asking myself while in an enormous amount of pain, “Why on Earth did I sign up for this?” But, when I crossed the finish line, I was so happy and proud that I remember telling myself, “I need to run another marathon. And I’ll train appropriately next time.”

So, I’ve decided that I want to run more marathons and more races in general. In 2020, I ran the San Francisco Hot Chocolate run with my brother and a few close friends. I’m currently signed up for the Berkeley Half Marathon in December 2020.

Some goals I have are to run the San Francisco, New York, and Chicago marathons. My long-term goal is to run the Boston Marathon.