Eesen Sivapalan
Never stop learning because life never stops teaching
— Anonymous

A Little About Me

First off, thank you for visiting my website! My name is Eesen, and I graduated from the University of Southern California with a B.S. in Business Administration and a B.S. in Accounting in May 2019.

I love storytelling and loved writing short stories as a kid. While LinkedIn and a resume are great ways to showcase accomplishments and experience, they don’t tell an individual’s whole story. I created this website to tell my story. To combine my love for storytelling and writing, I have made it my goal to write down my most memorable experiences and the lessons I’ve learned through a blog as well!

After graduating from USC, I told myself that I’d continue to learn new things. I didn’t want my learning to stop just because my formal education had been completed. So, I’ve started learning the piano. I always loved watching people play but never had the opportunity to take lessons. I’ve been teaching myself since January 2020. I also told myself that I’d continue to push my limits and strive for excellence. I ran my first marathon, the LA marathon, in March 2019. I cannot express how happy I was when I passed the finish line. I plan to continue running races, including more marathons, at least for a few more years.

I hope you can learn more about me through this website. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you’d like to chat at!

Fun Facts

  • Favorite Food: Ramen

  • Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake, but rice pudding takes a very close second-place

  • Favorite Car: Tesla Model S

  • Favorite Movie: La La Land

  • Favorite Movie Genre: Rom-Com

  • Favorite Instrument: Piano

  • Favorite Sport: Tennis

  • Favorite Pastime: Anime

  • Favorite Videogame: Super Smash Bros.

  • Favorite Season: Winter

  • Favorite Book: The Alchemist

  • Something that might surprise you: I’m ultra-competetive

  • Crazy Fact: I had Rhabdomyolysis, aka muscle breakdown, and intense kidney and liver damage after my first marathon

  • Spirit Animal: Sonic The Hedgehog (Specifically from the Sonic the Hedgehog 2020 Movie)

  • I’m a health freak - I love working out and I’m very much into eating clean. Life-long vegetarian turned vegan since March 2020.

Memorable Moments