Mi Terro

The Cork Duffel Suitcase

  1. The duffel suitcase is made primarily from cork and the straps are made from recyclable plastic.

  2. In February 2019, we launched our first Kickstarter campaign and we hit our funding goal of $3,000 in under 48 hours.

  3. We went on to raise around $14,000 in 40 days. Below, you’ll find a video we made for the Kickstarter campaign.

The Milk Shirt

  1. The shirt is made from a mixture of micro-modal and milk fabric. We use the casein protein in wasted milk to create the fabric.

  2. In August 2019, we launched our second Kickstarter campaign and we hit our funding goal of $3,000 in under 2 hours.

  3. We went on to raise around $28,000 in 40 days. Below, you’ll find a video we made for the Kickstarter campaign.